Mar 25, 2009


Armonia has been visited by hundreds of people over the last two decades - either as individual trippers or in organised teams.

Most donors and regular supporters in the UK have been "hooked in" to Armonia through making a personal visit or hearing first-hand accounts from people who have. Not many projects or charities are quite so well set up to receive individuals or groups, as Armonia.

Armonia Mexico has recently rewritten its dossier of information for those thinking of heading to Mexico.

If you are about to form a group or simply want to enquire about the possibilities and are unsure about what help you could be, then please Email Wes Vander Lugt (volunteer) in Mexico City, and he can send you all the necessary information. If you are thinking that sending a donation would be better than spending that sort of money on flight tickets to get you there, think again. Armonia believes that putting yourself in relationship with some of the world's poorest is part of the transformation which the Gospel brings about.

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