Feb 7, 2010

We've finished the Residence!

The new AIMS Students’ Residence ‘Casa Margarita’ is now open in Oaxaca!
The new students’ residence was officially opened and dedicated in a celebration in October 2009. The ceremony was attended by Saul and Pilar Cruz, the International Board of Armonia, students, volunteers, local residents and other staff from Mexico City. The Wetfoot team of volunteers from All Souls Langham Place were also present, having helped put the finishing touches to the building (see previous story). Celebrations included a Feast, a Sermon, a blessing for the local community and local traditional dances performed by the students in their traditional dress. Saul says a huge THANK YOU to God and for the support from Armonia International and its world wide community.
The Residence provides a safe environment for the students aged between 14-18 in which to live and study. With the “Older Siblings” overseeing it during their pre-university year of service, it is a place where ‘Community’ and loving others are given a strong focus; a place where the Gospel is lived and preached, and the students are equipped with books and uniforms. They are given ongoing daily support in various forms: basic living skills including hygiene and communal living, Spanish lessons and bible studies to name but a few.
Selection is two fold: Students selected have to be among the best in the Mexican state School system (that is achieve 9’s and 10’s in their final exams) and they need to be committed to the ongoing activities of the AIMS community.
At present, the students love the new residence so much that Saul and Pilar have arranged for two groups of students to alternate between the residence in Oaxaca city centre and Casa Margarita (about a half hour outside town) so there is no favouritism. The new residence is proving to be very popular indeed.

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